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#walrus operator Articles

The Walrus and the (Software) Carpenter

The Walrus operator risks encouraging buggy code by conflating assignment with evaluation. PHP stands as a warning as to where this can lead. There are few cases where the convenience of the Walrus operator outweigh its risks and even these are not clear-cut. From a When of Python view, the Walrus operator should be in Deprecated Python, or possibly Situational Python but with very few situations accepted. The Walrus will only very occasionally belong in production code.

Walrus Hunting with StrEnum

The Walrus operator finally seemed to have found a practical use case - as a way to make collections of strings or integers without as much boiler plate as the alternative without the operator. But Python has a better approach already - Enum - and in Python 3.11 it is even easier to use with strings (StrEnum). So the Walrus operator still struggles to find a problem for which it is the best solution.